Institute of Contemporary Design Practices FHNW

Designing the future

The task

At the end of each academic year, the Institute of Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP) publishes a yearbook in which it presents the bachelor’s and master’s students and their final thesis projects. The ICDP (formerly the Institute of Industrial Design, or the IID) asked us to rework the publication, focusing more strongly on everyday student life, academics, training programs and research at the institute.

Our solution

The interdisciplinary Institute of Contemporary Design Practices at the FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel (formerly the Institute of Industrial Design or IID), plays an active role in shaping contemporary culture. Closely linked with experts from the design, culture, science and business fields, the institute offers the framework for a knowledge-based and future-oriented education. Skills are taught in product design areas such as mobility, medical design, interaction, social innovation, sustainable culture, new crafts, and home and living.

We reimagined the yearbook and changed its focus. Our goal was to shine a spotlight on course materials and everyday student life in and outside of the classroom, on collaborations with industry partners, on design processes, academic discourses and the academic achievements of the institute and its employees. As a result, the yearbook becomes both a useful information source for all current and future students, as well as an important document of the research and scholarship at the university in Basel.

The yearbook is available in German and English and is published each September in conjunction with the graduation ceremony.

Reporting on academic life and innovation

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